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Recruiting Nude Models: Tips for Website Design

To recruit figure models, its essential to put your portfolio online. You can create an effective Web presence with
your own domain, a major model-centric networking site, and a signif icant photo-sharing site.

Here are some do’s and don’t for designing your website:

  • Make sure you discuss, in depth, where you are and what you do; this will increase the frequency by which you appear in relevant search engine results.
  • Keep adding interesting content to your site.
  • Keep your model recruiting goal in mind throughout your site design. Some additional information to express your
    personality is wonderful, but make sure it makes sense in the context of recruiting.
  • Keep your site focused. If you also shoot weddings or sell kitchen storage containers, do that through a separate website.
  • Get right to the point with a strong image and overview information. A few strong images are better than tons of mediocre ones.
  • List your unembellished accomplishments
  • Include testimonials from past models.


  • Be careful what personally identifiable information (yours or the models’) you place for the world to see. Things like models’ e-mail addresses and last names are a no-no unless models are already publicizing them.
  • Don’t upload images that are larger than necessary to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Don’t try to game or trick the search engines. Search engine companies are extremely savvy to this.
  • Don’t include excessive personal details.
  • Don’t describe yourself as a guru or expert; if you are one it will be obvious in your work.
  • Don’t copy someone elses format. Be original.

The above excerpt is from Up to My Eyeballs in Nude Women. The book is about recruiting and working with models and has 5 pages on creating a web presence.

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